Higher Law Truth Expansive Experience Journeying Optimism Excess......
The big gaseous ball of fun moves to visit Saturn ...and Pluto in cool, dry, restrictive Capricorn. He's gearing up for the big shindig of 2020. ♑♑♑ Shits going down, where we're going to be either rewarded or potentially punished ( Saturn/ Pluto) for whatever structures we're supporting. Whatever needs to be transformed or rebuilt will pass away and what is supported by Higher Law of the Universe will be " encouraged" by Jupiter. .♑♑♑ Look to the house placement of Capricorn in your natural chart for clues on what area of life will be affected. Here's where you will expand next year. If you have personal planets in the Cardinal signs (.Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) you're going to see a culmination of changes you've been dealing with almost a decade.
At the end of next year and the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in AQUARIUS we have the opportunity for a true paradigm change. Open yourself now for the WORK ( Capricorn) it will take to make (y)our dreams come true.