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Writer's picturemichelle prentiss

Weekly Horoscope 8/6/2018

Weekly Horoscopes: August 6th2018


Last night I had a dream that I was dreaming- and I was speaking aloud in the dream to remind myself to let you know that all the planetary retrogrades are a necessary part of the magical mix of expanded self awareness which can be accessed now.

It’s a clearing and a psychic “ remodeling” energy, which is available for you to use-, but this will only occur with your participation and permission!

This is a HUGE Week. We are still in the “intersection” between eclipses- with the Solar Eclipse Saturday completing the cycle. In addition Venus moves into Libra Monday, Uranus turns retrograde on Tuesday and joins Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron RX. Sun Conjuncts Mercury RX exactly midweek and connects to Jupiter AND both Venus and Mars are in aspect (relationship) with themselves and Saturn too!

There is a tremendous sense of us all on an energetic, internal plateau, which exists in a space between the past and future- as issues/memories/ situations rise up from our personal and collective unconscious and need to be released. As you experience this, The KEY (Chiron) to healing/integrating is first bringing your awareness to the present moment. No DWELLING on our memories of hurt or projections into the future of worry. For now, just be present, without judgment. Understanding that the matrix of manifestation is powered by your focus.

This practice can be described similar to Samadhi, an unbounded awareness beyond polarizations and boundaries, achieved during focused meditation practice. This is the final element of the 8-stage path of Yoga. So, we are trying for an unbounded awareness which is achieved with FOCUS- this is the balancing act needed now to shift ourselves from any emotional or mental darkness as we access and scan our past in preparation for an inner child (Leo) rebirth this weekend!!

More on the Solar Eclipse later in the week.

See below for your Weekly Horoscope and some Solar Eclipse Magic suggestions by Sign- for a deeper, multi dimensional experience read both your Sun and Rising sign


This week starts with a big focus on partners. Venus beams energy of support and love. Uranus stops forward movement in Taurus and cause you to review you resources and values. What is really important? To win at all costs? What is sustainable, harmonious? These are themes to ponder this week. Your re-birth can come now from contacting your inner child, playing and creating and bringing in some Joy. As you release fear around trusting others take some time to really look at your joy? Where is it? How can you access it? Do a solar eclipse ritual around opening to your Heart and allowing yourself to play in the sacred fire of your creative spirit.

Solar Eclipse Magic: Take yourself on an Artists Date- a solo excursion designed to inspire your creativity and sense of play! Dance, Create and Celebrate Saturday and you speak your desires aloud for the next month


The Re-birth is still coming! Uranus Retrograde in your sign gives a little breathing room and time to relax and “ Do it your way”. Though you are ready for your upgrade you sure don’t mind to have a little time to consider all the possibilities first. Like Aries, there are lots of good things going on with partners and your home and family. You could make a rebirth here, finding a way to resolve any disputes you may have had in your living situation. Remember that your home is also inside of you, always and forever. Solar Eclipse in Leo shows us the true home is in your heart.

Solar Eclipse Magic: Create a small altar space within your home or bedroom- this could even be something mobile if you travel. Photos, candles, santos or small deities, flowers etc. Light the candles and say a small prayer for what you wish to bring in this lunation on Saturday


You have healing power now from Scorpio, as well as an opportunity for you to resolve disputes in communication or connection. Your health and wellness, the little everyday rituals you do that are your life as well as how your mindset and beliefs make up a huge part of your overall health are at play here. You can really access your best life when you connect truly to a heart centered focus and communicate with love and understanding.

Sola Eclipse Magic: Write Down 5 wishes on Saturday. Make them as loving and heart centered as possible. Speak them aloud as you look at yourself in a mirror. Tell yourself you are opening to receive your hearts desire. Write affirmation cards and put them throughout your home stating your willingness to receive etc.


As you evolve through your relationships this week, there is great potential for you to access some positive feeling of joy through your personal creativity. This can be through children, lovers or creating art. See yourself as a creator in all the ways you express your passion for life! Solar Eclipse accesses your values and resources. Something new is here, it could be you have changed what is important to you, how you do your work or how you want o build your life. This is good, and shows your personal evolution over the last few years- get ready for more too.

Solar Eclipse Magic: Listen to the song ” What do you want from Life” by the Tubes. Now write your own list. Be honest and see how it may be changing and that’s ok! Now, bury this list. It could be in the garden, a bowl of potpourri or a stack of papers. Next, sit back and watch it grow!


Happy-Re-birth! Spotlight is on you Leo! You are eager to communicate your dreams and gather the abundance you so desire. You have got Mercury on your side, and you are making connections like never before. You can have a breakthrough this week- and that is the biggest news going. If there is a will, there is way. Access your hearts desire for clues- if you want friends, be a friend. If you want fame put yourself out there with passion and purpose. Examine your motivations though, this is retrograde season- review is necessary before putting it all out on the line. Your home base and even career/vocation may change for the better IF you do your authentic and honest inner work now. Be bold, courageous and loving!

Solar Eclipse Magic: Make sure you already released what you needed to let go of, if not write it down and burn or shred it. Now, write as an affirmation “ I allow myself to be guided by my Highest Self. I open to all the abundance of the universe and follow my bliss into my new, heart- centered existence.” Put this somewhere you can see it daily!


With both your rulers (Mercury/Chiron) retrograde, and a solar eclipse in your place of the sub-conscious this is a quiet time for Virgo. You may be reviewing your past, planning for the future or just chilling out. This is an optimum time for you to re-visit your personal dreams in readiness for your Solar Return coming up. You are still having to hold space for an important partners/friend’s pain or healing and trying to juggle this with your own issues. Take some quiet time this week to think and dream, journal and meditate. You get VERY important clues from your own highest self this weekend.

Solar Eclipse Magic: It’s all about accessing your dreams, so get a dream journal and start writing. This weekend begin to write down your wishes for the new month with any symbols or memories of any important dreams you have had recently. Your “ hidden self” wants to reveal itself to you!


There is an opportunity this week to have rebirth in your community and possibly the ideals you hold around it. Friends, groups and social activism may be highlighted. In addition to this fiery energy here, you have recently found your values changing around some important topics. While some resources may have seemed to dry up they are simply transforming. Tensions can ease with partners/ one on one relationship soon. Allow yourself the metamorphosis you need to become your very best self!

Solar Eclipse Magic: If you can, do a ritual with a group this weekend- attend a moon ceremony or bring people together to do an intention setting ceremony. The Leo Eclipse brings extra magic to all your social activity now!


Like Leo the spotlight is on YOU! With Jupiter going direct on your Sun until right before your solar return and a solar eclipse on your midheaven- the universe is watching to see if you are ready to take your life/career/status/vocation to the NEXT level. You have been through a lot we know- but you are stronger than EVER Phoenix. It’s time to stand in your strength and let others see your brilliance, creativity, leadership and vulnerability.

Solar Eclipse Magic: You probably KNOW what you want, so this Saturday make a ritual of asking the universe for it. Put your desire out there for all to see. Make a shrine to your dreams and light a candle, tell your boss you want a raise, tell your group you are ready for the next project. Shout out to the mountains/oceans/deserts that you are ready to become your own authority..


Your ruler Jupiter is one of the few planets NOT in retrograde and you are getting ready for some super goodness later this year as it comes home in October. For now, it’s time to horizon gaze! Are you interested in travel/ mind expansion/higher learning? Do you want to learn a new skill or otherwise expand your repetoire? Now is THE time to expand the possibilities within- in readiness for a new 12 year cycle coming! I know the last several years had you worried, but try to release this fear and not bring it in to your glorious future. You got this.

Solar Eclipse Magic: With a new moon in your natural house, your magic is to do something you really enjoy this Saturday. Make a ritual around expanding yourself. Write down the many things that turn you on and do one of them. Write a review of a restaurant, play or recently read novel. Go somewhere different. Get spiritual. Have a mini adventure!


Try and stay balanced Capricorn, and in this I mean stay positive and not hunker down in fear, solitude or negativity. Saturn ruled Capricorn can, without awareness become “ encapsulated” in rigidity sometimes. Now -the fire of Leo burns in your place of the hidden, depth and shared resources. Admit you need others this week, that it is ok to receive and you can even celebrate it! You are building a NEW life for yourself and no man/woman is an island! This life will have lots of shared moments, open yourself to them!

Solar Eclipse Magic: Do a ritual around attracting that which you desire from outside your own resources, be it money, love and attention, intimacy etc. Write down your desires and then release them. Do nothing more.


Soul searching continues…Mars Retrograde until the end of month! You can feel that all your energy is going within, to whatever knots you must entangle, or situations to ponder. Leo solar eclipse brings one-on-one energy in your face. Though you desire to be independent, different, a unique non- conformist- essentially you need others and you realize that this weekend. What if you can love and be loved and still be unique and different? Heal yourself by accepting all of us are different and unique AND connected.

Solar Eclipse Magic: You need to connect. This weekend call someone you love and just tell them. Hang out with friends. Join a group where you can share things you love. Write down of list of everything that connects to the world at large, and everything you love about yourself that you can see in anyone else…


You are a beautiful soul Pisces! Lately you may have even more spacey, dreamy and diffuse. It’s time to think about how you can be strong! This weekend make a commitment to improving your health and every day rituals. Go gluten free or set up a gentle and achievable new excersise regime. Think about the daily thoughts you have set up for yourself or other rituals you may want to change. This powerful energy can give you the rocket fuel you need to make long-standing changes that will improve your life!

Solar Eclipse Magic: This weekend make a magical commitment to change an everyday ritual. Bike to work, or bring your lunch. Set aside time for meditation. Buy a self help book and play it during a commute- whatever you can do to improve your every day will build and be life changing!

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