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Writer's picturemichelle prentiss

Astro Weekly September 24-30 Full Harvest Moon in Aries Monday 9/24-25 at 7:52pm PDT

The Full Moon in Aries colors this week with a powerful charge of spring-like energy that is ideal for making fresh starts, as well as letting go powerfully of the last vestiges of things that no longer serve you.

The Lunar cycle is at its apex and functions as a birthing agent for the creations you may have gestating within. Chiron conjoins the Moon, instigating us with it’s primal imperative. It is now time that we take notice of our programmed or inherent core wounding and commit to providing ourselves with self esteem, self love and self healing. In relation by opposing our self oriented emotional state is the Sun, Mercury and Asteroid Ceres in Libra. A reminder that as we “put our oxygen masks on first” we then look to help others.

All life exists in a delicate interplay between oppositions- and the tension between “ me” and “we” manifests powerfully now. It reminds us that Libra’s balance is achieved only from opposition. Just as our very lives do, as we live on a planet that achieves its atmosphere from the electromagnetic opposition of its poles. Playing into the dance of stability is a T square to Saturn/ Vesta in Capricorn. This offers rules, containment and a way out of the polarizing situation. Meditation or reflection, wise counsel or a mentor/sponsor can help you any opposing agenda or argument now.

Look below for a Full Moon Ritual and further insight into how the Full Moon will affect your this week by your Sun/and Rising Sign:


Woohoo. You are a steamroller making s#@* happen now! Full Moon in your sign is galvanizing even as Chiron may be bringing things up to FINALLY be resolved or healed. This week you have the power to make some massive changes in your life. They are around 1. Your self esteem/identity. 2. Your relationships 3. Your direction/ vocation. You make great strides when you focus on the interplay between these 3 important themes in your life now.

Full Moon Ritual: Create a gratitude list around what you like about yourself, what you appreciate in your friends and partners and what you enjoy in the work you do. Keep it around to read regularly. See how it feeds your self esteem!


With a full moon in your most unconscious place, you may have unusual or prophetic dreams or simply feel a bit untethered. This is a spiritual full moon for you and one where you can get in touch with something very important to your impending rebirth cycle. You may want to connect with a spiritual discipline, meditate or possibly travel to expand your consciousness this week. Starting a wellness regime especially around body or food related goals is also encouraged. Allow your self awareness to fine tune itself in the magic of this Moon. Chant, Howl and Conjure! Make magic.

Full Moon Ritual: Do a scrying ritual with a bowl of water. Allow your eyes to unfocus as you look deep into the water or globe. How do you feel? What do you see? Write it down!


It’s a fresh start in your community or perhaps your ideals. Are you isolating too much? Or maybe you realize you have been a tad self oriented lately with your friends and community. To balance this-give back this week. What is being transformed is part of your value system, that which is NOT self reliant. The dance of life requires both determinism and surrender. Equal time for both. With Sun/Mercury in your 5th you get a creative lightbulb moment on how to make everything work for You BOTH/ALL. Go For it!

Full Moon Ritual: Do a short meditation on how you can help others/community. Ask your higher self to give you insight as you chant the Sanskrit mantra “Yum” which opens the heart energetically. Then go do something good:)


A Full Moon at the highest point in your chart points to a seriously far reaching opportunity. Now is ideal for climbing mountains, especially as they relate to where you want to go in life. You may feel especially powerful or possibly itching to make changes, either way if you want to, the Universe is filling your sails with the wind necessary to move forward. Right now actually changes to EVERY part of your life are apparent. Take some time to appreciate how far you have come and who has made it there with you. They deserve your appreciation now.

Full Moon Ritual: Full Moons are also powerful for setting your sights on a goal. Tonight write it on paper, make it around where you want to go next in your life. Offer this to a fire. As it burns the smoke travels to the invisible world where seeds are born energetically. So be it!


Aries full moon expands your spiritual side and makes you desire to travel or experience yourself in new ways. This is a great week to horizon gaze and communicate or make connections with where you envision yourself next.

If you aren’t traveling this week how about trying a shamanic or plant spirit journey? It’s amazing how many ways there are to perceive new dimensions... You are still in a re-birth process, almost there, keep going. Health and wellness is improved with meditations, a spa retreat or other self care activity.

Full Moon Ritual: Close your eyes and imagine a trip to the Full Moon. Let your imagination be your guide. How do you get there? What/who do you see? What happens next? Write this down!

Virgo: It’s a focus on receiving this week Virgo. Resources like money, experiences, intimacy and trust are the themes. You like to be in charge, be organized and driving the bus so to speak, but it’s also necessary to sit back and be driven at times! Any of your creative projects could be the source of the abundance or it could come from a lover or child. Regardless of the source it is time for you to open.

Full Moon Ritual: Imagine you are holding a beautiful empty cornucopia in your hands, see it in great detail. Hold it before you and ask that the Universe fill it with abundance. As you see it magically filled with all that you desire, give thanks for all that you have, have had and will have in the future.

Libra: Like Aries, this is a high energy time for you Libra!

Mercury with your Sun brings you optimism as you feel the seasonal wheel turn. Aries Full Moon may have you focused on others, busy and even less self oriented than normally. Yet, this is your Solar Return month and it IS all about you now! The key to handling all the opposing energy is building a structured and nurturing home life or an internal practice that balances your need to please others with a design for consistent harmony for yourself.

Full Moon Ritual: Create a sacred marriage or self marriage ritual for yourself. You may dress or decorate, write vows or not. It can be casual or formal. Stand in front of a mirror and make a commitment to cherish and appreciate all aspects of yourself- till death do you part. Celebrate with a special drink or snack.

Scorpio: The full moon energy of Aries illuminates your place of health and wellness. You have a great opportunity to make a sacred contract with yourself to experience perfect health and well-being now. There are new beginnings and illuminations present also in your dreams and intuitions, which are showing how you are guided to resolve or complete past relationships or tests. The force of stability also providing assistance is within your strong ability to make connections between your needs and goals. You express yourself authentically and that’s also one of your deepest powers.

Full Moon Ritual: Create sacred space and stand within holding a white candle. Face North and recite these lines 3 times: “ May the seven winds blow this way, to bring wellness here to stay” Blow the candle, give thanks close the space and keep the candle for one year.


This is a FUN Moon for you! Located in your 5th house of love and creativity, joy and children it lights up where you need to set new goals to play and create.

Working with groups, community and friends is connected to bringing in this energy along with transforming the work you do and the resources you bring in from it. It’s a metamorphosis you have been experiencing for some time, this resource issue. You were wondering when the next big thing was going to land and it’s beginning now, with this full Moon in Libra and Jupiter’s impending move to your sign next month..

Full Moon Ritual: Tonight or this week take yourself on a solo excursion somewhere fun you haven’t been JUST for the sake of inspiration and increasing joy in every day things. See how this exercise can improve your self nourishment and enrich the work you do. Then, make it a weekly ritual.

Capricorn: Energy at your core, feeds the whole of your life. Full Moon in Aries illuminates your inner or outer home, providing “ food” for your long term transformation into the next stage of your evolution. Your direction, that is the place you want to go and the place where you are seen is also highlighted. What balances inner and outer you is your commitment to your authenticity. Be you, however messy and you will triumph over and through the messy rebirths of late.

Full Moon Ritual: Write down a current obstacle or difficulty, call upon the Goddess of the Hearth (Hestia/Vesta). Light a fire or flame and ask her to purify your problems with her sacred fire. Offer your difficulty to the flame as it burns and releases the issue, Give thanks to the goddess whose fire is at the center of all.

Aquarius: Full Moon compels you to express yourself! Speak, write, sing or otherwise communicate now. Set goals and like Leo look expand your horizons with travel literal or metaphorical. Break out of your instinctual need to disconnect and join forces with others in order to make your dreams come true. To truly do this with any sustaining force you must integrate and heal your subconscious or hidden issues. Therapeutic modalities will help, look especially to ancestral healing techniques or meditations.

Full Moon Ritual: To clear any blocks you may have with unexpressed fears or stories you may have been hanging on to: Light a candle and grab a mirror as you speak aloud “I am the Soul Infused Throat and am wanting to know my soul’s intent as it expresses itself through me”. Then, speak your fears to the mirror and candle as you release your hidden stories into the light of awareness.

Pisces: Aries re-births your values, your personal resources and even money issues. This is a powerful opportunity to start new work or activities that will result in increased self esteem. Your awareness of your deeper needs and how you integrate these needs into your life, step by step is increasing. You can call upon higher powers to assist you (and your friends, community and groups) now. Do not hesitate.

Full Moon Ritual: Gather a favorite stone/ stones and clear your space with sacred smoke. Stand on the earth or bare feet on floor. Hold a grounding stone in one hand and with each breath, breathe in healing light from the stone as you exhale your fears and worries down to the earth. Stay as long as you need to re-charge.

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