Happy New Moon!
Its propitious to start the week off with a new moon and this is one that is fairly unaffected by all the intense stress of the year, which is a HUGE respite for all of us. We start a new lunar cycle with the focus on communication and connection in the midst of many changes on a foundational level. This first week of June finds Mercury moving to Cancer on the 4th and connecting to Uranus. Venus moves to Gemini the 7th. Take the time this week to set intentions for the month, to review your thoughts and responses to both where you now, and where you wish to go in the future. Sun connects to Neptune also this week-it is a powerful visioning time. I am setting my goals down today and this entire week- as well as doing some divination for the future. Right now, we have Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Retrograde- later in the month Neptune will join and Mercury in early July. Remember that this energy is PERFECT for introspective review. You can get some major work done this year, but for NOW dream it. Envision it and WRITE IT DOWN!
Read below for an understanding of how/ where the cosmic weather may affect your vibe! For a deep dive read both Sun AND Ascendant/ Rising
You can work on your communication this week. Think about how you both speak and think. Is it kind and thoughtful? Does it reflect your values? You often are so energetically emmeshed in your own experience that you can miss out on objective reflection. Ask a trusted friend for feedback, this could be a huge benefit to assist you in your ongoing healing. Family and home are a focus now and in the next month- this may be a time of change. Today though, you can begin the process of visioning what YOU want. It’s quite possible you begin a WHOLE new life, one that is better suited to your growing self.
New Moon Mantra: I AM the co- creator of my life. I do so with my thoughts. I commit to developing a HEALTHY MINDSET .
Like Aries, there is a focus on Communication, think about how to balance positive and NOURISHING thoughts with your emerging self. A new Moon in your natural place of values and resources means new opportunities for you to attract that which you desire. You are learning so much and will continue to transform your own abilities and expand the meaning you ascribe to your life. You know you aren’t too “into” trust, change and all that. Security/ Stability MATTERS to you- but if you can see all that is unfolding as a wonderful adventure, designed for your personal evolution…. now maybe you can flow!
New Moon Mantra: I am EXPANDING my resources. I trust that the UNIVERSE will provide.
It’s your season and happy pre or post solar return! You have our Sun beaming light on your path, and also a new Moon! This is an optimal time make wishes and set intentions for the month. You can gain a greater intuitive understanding of what is next for you now. Venus joins Sun and Moon soon. You magnetically attract what you need. Don’t forget to speak your truth! You may be concerned with Money or work issues. Mars is making you spend a little more than you want. Partners will come through for you, for now just trust that they will even if they seem distracted this week. It’s a SUPER Powerful time to set your solar year intentions. Do it!
New Moon Mantra: I AM EXPANDING myself. I trust that I am growing and changing in SOULFUL ways.
Mercury joins Mars in your sign this week- You MIGHT be feeling a little feisty/ energetic with Mars visiting you, as well as ready to more deeply express your true self to others, but in order for you to do this PROPERLY you need some insight- and it’s waiting to be revealed to you!
It’s a big year for you, with lots of continued unfoldment/ change. This week you can examine your subconscious/ soul intentions. A good read for you now is “Care of the Soul” by Thomas Moore. Venus shines her beautiful light on your inner sanctum. You can REALLY discover deep revelations about yourself and others- now and in your coming birthday month.
New Moon Mantra: I AM connected and connecting to my Soul. I LISTEN to my deepest self and express myself authentically.
What is nagging at you Leo? Like Cancer you feel an internal tug, pulling at your soul. Your new moon highlights where you connect to your values and goals, where you can give freely of yourself to your community, tribe, friends. After lots of bumps in the road of the last year or so, you are settling in to routine. But do you want sustainable change? Change IS coming to your life and it’s big, but it’s going to take some time. For now, TRY to be self-reflective and see where you can take care of heart and soul- then bring it that big heartedness and give it freely to someone/ thing that needs it.
New Moon Mantra: I AM Proud of my Heart and SOUL and am able to give of it to my community.
Also, big changes, though you may not believe it. The Sun, New Moon, Mercury all point out it’s time to take a fresh look at where you are going in the next year or so. It’s so important to lean a little into the “mystic” for a holistic view of life. Ask for what you want this week. Put it on social media, tell your friends, write new moon wishes, create a vision board. I SEE you moving forward with this and your friends supporting you all the way.
New Moon Mantra: I AM ready for change. I TRUST the Universe to assist me as I articulate my desire.
This week the New Moon supports your personal expansion. There is a big focus on developing what is truly meaningful to you. See yourself now outside of time, outside of any issues you may have balancing your desires. You can be and do many things now. Travel would be beneficial in revealing the next steps. Try and get away in any way you can to expand your view. Illuminations come around what is next for you and you are motivated to accomplish.
New Moon Mantra: I AM SEEKING AND FINDING an expansive philosophy to support my latest unfoldment.
New Moon comes in your natural home of intimacy, shared resources and regeneration. You can find deep insights in regard to several long-standing issues you have carried. Healing is possible. Partners provide surprising illuminations too, listen for messages channeled through them. Like Libra, travel is highlighted, especially foreign, as well as all activities that support your higher mind and provide greater meaning. The axis of learning is activated. Become aware that information is trivia until there is context. The context has arrived.
New Moon Mantra: I AM always regenerating. I am OPEN to expanding and receiving more.
New Moon highlights your trusted others. THEY may be doing well, while you are in a bit of standstill. NO worries Sag, as I have said. THIS is YOUR year. Check yourself now though and take some time to chill and receive. It can SCARE you to be vulnerable by not moving and not having all the ANSWERS. Sag loves to gallop around having adventures and soaking up big meaning in things. I advise you to relax this week and honestly all of early summer “Be Still and Know” is your mantra. All will be revealed in time. Meanwhile, journal and write and vision quest.
New Moon Mantra: I AM opening to RECEIVE. I trust in stillness
New Moon and Venus move in your place of health/wellness, service and everyday work assignments. A wonderful way to use this energy is by committing to adding in at least 2 new healthy habits this month. It’s time to see your habitual rituals for what they are. I for one, am going to definitely improve my exercise this month, and it feels very ENERGETICALLY supported. Mars and Mercury now in Cancer means focus on partners, friends and all one on one associates. Something may happen here for you, a commitment or an important conversation. Stay grounded and balanced as only you can.
New Moon Mantra: I AM making healthy CHANGES to my life and starting NEW WORK that is supportive. I acknowledge and CELEBRATE my interdependency.
New Moon highlights your joy, your love and creative expressions. See that are supported and be aware that you can create your best life when you are playing and not WORRYING. Take a page from Capricorn’s book and apply some discipline to your daily rituals. Make time to rest, be creative and expansive as well as driven. Also check your sub-conscious, instinctive responses . YOU CAN change your life fundamentally with some no-nonsense healthy work here. This week enjoy yourself.
New Moon Mantra: I AM transforming my INNER SELF by finding my true JOY. I find MYSELF through PLAY.
Pisces: New Moon in Gemini in your place of foundation. Where you ARE, your home, family, ancestors. You see that you are both individual and profoundly connected to where you have come from. New insights occur when you acknowledge your roots. It’s feeling really good to be fed by them now. There is also this other thing, as you may have had issues with health and energy in the past- you are concerned with how to proceed here. I offer you similar insight as Aquarius. FIND YOUR JOY. Play like the magical child you are. Paint, Sing, Draw, Dance, Stomp, Shout … go the movies and see “Rocket Man” New Moon Mantra: I AM a CHILD of the Universe. As I PLAY I CREATE my LIFE