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Writer's picturemichelle prentiss

Full Moon in Aquarius August 19th, 2024, 11:25 am PDT

Updated: Aug 17, 2024




Out of the Blue”


All your cares

Now they seem

Oh so far away

All your fears

I fear I once shared

Now I know

There’s a future

For all of us

Not so long ago, I was so scared..


Then out of the blue

Love came rushing in

Out of the sky, came the sun…

- Roxy Music


This revealing Full Moon in Aquarius is electric!  


Opposing Sun and Mercury in Leo and forming a T-square with Uranus in Taurus,  it’s an exclamation mark on a lunar month that has been filled with surprises.


Typically, the stable mode of these fixed signs don’t love the electric and unstable energy of lighting strike Uranus, but often NEED it, to remind them how life can change in a moment, and that sometimes, that is exactly what is needed.

Although classified as fixed air, Aquarius’s symbol is the water bearer. The glyph for the sign features two wavy parallel lines, which also look a lot like the symbol for energy or WIFI! It’s a Zodiacal position long been associated with stubborn detachment and idealism. It’s traditional and modern planetary rulers are Saturn and Uranus. Together these energies blend to create structures (Saturn) that potentially do not represent old or hierarchal formations but are created along the line of egalitarian and free (Uranus) organizing factors.

Aquarius can represent the stubborn social idealist and rebel, often separated from the need for traditional structures of safety and security. Its style fits out, rather than “in” to groups. Aquarius wishes to define itself by expressing individual uniqueness within the collective. With strong Aquarius in a chart, we find the need to do things in very unique and progressive ways, often in service to the de-personalized needs of ideas and groups.

Within this Full Moon we can expect the unexpected- and allow  ourselves to be open for magic and miracles- as well as the need to move FORWARD, not back in order to best grow.  

Now, your goals may oppose your security needs, your hopes and fears may be competing for attention. The process of addressing them all and making a plan or beginning a process of healing may be what is revealed too.


Moon is also aspected by Chiron/Eris in a helpful sextile. Vesta, the Asteroid Goddess of the inner flame is also in the mix, exactly conjoined the Sun, and Saturn in compassionate Pisces, dispositor of the Moon- is exactly square Jupiter!

Radical compassion for yourself and others may be exactly what is needed to make a difference or even to fuel the fire of change.


 Let LOVE IN! That’s a RADICAL move.


Full Moon Hugs,


Artist Unknown

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