Sabian Symbol: “People on stairs graduated upwards” Keyword- Progression
Full Moons are always energetic completions of themes that begin with the New Moon. There is now light available for revealing the work we may need to do, the issues we may need to release and more. In Aquarius we can expect progressive opportunities to see how best to restructure our collective needs, ideals, systems and structures.
This Full Moon illuminates the path forward this year and our imminent cultural rebirth, connected to the “Great Mutation”, a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, on our next Solstice, December 21st, 2020. This event will usher in 200 years of Air element meetings of the Social Planets, 20 years apart. Look to clues at this full moon- in personal life, culture and news for what to expect in 2021.
Social justice and distancing, giant leaps in technology’s place in society, space exploration, progressive government and economics, reparations.. could we see how to let go of a materialistic, capitalistic culture that covertly hides its massive social inequalities? Hope prevails.
Revolutionary Uranus in the solid, fixed Earth sign of Taurus wildly squares our Sun and Moon promising to break us free from structures (Taurus) that are stagnant, outdated or too rigid. “Lightning bolt” illuminations reveal what has been hidden from view in life. Uranus has shocking power, and it’s retrograde later on the 15th, may help us process the stark truths we have had to deal with.
Pandemic mismanagement, massive abuse of power from our government and authority structures, intense economic inequality, there is much to improve on and we get the truth of it now, in our face!
We are nearing the end in a long term de-construction of many of our societal power structures. Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter- all close in degree and retrograde in Capricorn represent the old guard. Warrior planet Mars, Goddess of discord Eris and Black Moon Lilith in Aries square the group. Female leaders may emerge now to champion us and right ancient wrongs.
Time is up for those who have used, abused and neglected others. There is no way to stop this flow of forward movement, though the current power mongers are trying--through abuse, gaslighting, delusion and fear propaganda tactics. Take note what happens around this Moon, Keep the Faith, Hold Vision that all living things are created equally and that truth and Justice for ALL is possible.
Do a ritual of release, writing down all wish to end, and safely burning or shredding it. You may also takes some time to write down what you wish to see or develop in the new moon, holding it till the dark moon and planting it then.
Light a white candle for hope!
Blessed Be!
Image- Dark Mother
Chant to Kali for help or to help with injustice.
"Om Krim Kali”
K stands for full knowledge,
R means she is auspicious,
I means she bestows booms, and
M that she gives freedom