This Full Moon comes as the culmination of our difficult New Year’s New Moon in Capricorn some two weeks earlier. We are in a cycle of building and release in the themes of the Capricorn/ Cancer axis. Seeking and finding security, setting and the achievement of goals , also the development of containers or structures that nourish and sustain us are emphasized.
The Full Moon falls at 27 degrees of Cancer, opposing the Sun and Pluto conjoined at 27 Capricorn. The Sun and Moon square Martial Eris, the “divine feminine” companion of Mars, while Mars trines her. The feeling is of some difficulty, some emptiness or loss, feeling “full” of emotion, the need for release.
Mercury Retrograde is conjunct Saturn and squaring Uranus, bringing up the potential for triggering thoughts and communications. Take care not to react or act harshly now, we do not have all the facts, all the information yet. Venus also Retrograde in Capricorn, can bring a feeling of separation from what we desire, having to wait ( Saturn’s lesson) to be patient and develop some mastery during times of darkness or even despair.
Uranus moves direct just a day after the Full Moon, and it is possible that revelations come in the coming weeks and months ahead.
During the next two weeks till the New Moon in Aquarius and Mercury direct, Mercury activates the S/U square as well as conjoins Pluto on January 28th- just before Venus stations direct on the 29th. Inner reflection and the development of strong self-rule and inner faith will bring you out of any sense of being lost or stuck in a dilemma, especially in regard to relationship or security issues. Keep your head up!
This Full Moon try a ritual of release and banish your fears with a quick little spell.
Write fears or worries on a piece of paper, or even better a large bay leaf and on the night of the Full Moon burn the leaves or paper safely, in a fire, or frying pan. Let go of worry and focus on steering your mindset in productive avenues.
I am right with you in the muck, but we are all also, looking at the stars. Don’t forget it.
Art- " She Who Becomes the Truth" by Betty Albert
