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It’s a  “Demure” Virgo Season!

Virgo is the Zodiac’s second Earth sign and of “adapting and flexible” mutable mode. Like all earth signs it is of feminine/yin or receptive quality. Centered around the onset of harvest time in the Northern Hemisphere, Virgo’s symbol is a young woman, often a Maiden/Virgin holding a shaft of wheat. The Sign has long been associated with grains- especially the discriminatory process that separates the “wheat from the chaff,” a term now commonly used as a reference to separating or judging that which is good or valuable from inferior.

It’s true there is a natural fault-finding mechanism to Virgo’s energetic expression, as it automatically scans for inefficiencies in life’s many daily duties! My own Mother, an OG Virgo and astute Astrologer with 4 placements in the sign- would often say “I’m just a picky Virgo Michelle” as she quietly corrected my behavior, speech, information, or general plans in life.

Virgo connects with the world’s “Virgin” Goddesses, that is the aspect of the divine aspect of life that gives birth to itself, an archetype that may not be sexually pure but that needs no opposing or complementary nature to complete its creative process. Virgo’s energy is expressed in a modest or “demure” service oriented and balanced form. No waste or excess here.

 Virgos are commonly interested in forms of health or service, efficiency, and organization. All are Mercury ruled, so like Gemini you will see interest and ability in communication and its processes. Strong Virgo expression is almost always interested in the development of craftsmanship. In essence there is an enjoyment in the art of perfecting something, making it both useful and beautiful. 

This season we begin to feel a sense of grounding after the fiery and changing Leo one, though we still have relating and processing to complete.

On 8/22 Venus in Virgo squares Mars (Jupiter) in Gemini – all are still engaged in a separating T square with Saturn. This is very much a reflection of relational wants/needs and the obstacles to obtaining them. Mercury is retrograde till 8/28 and in a trine to Chiron. Reviewing your past communication and even thought processes around how you have been relating is very healing. Listen, everyone’s internal issues are primarily their own to manage, as is one’s own behavior. Dig in the dirt to separate what is yours from what isn’t now.

8/29 Venus moves to Libra, sign of its domicile. Venus is moving now to some dominance and harmony is stronger.

9/1  begins with Uranus stationing Retrograde and Pluto RX moving back to 29 Capricorn, till 11/19. During this time, we will have to face honestly the shadow and loss of the last 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn. What old ways can you allow to die? We can’t go back, only forward.

 Septembers first New Moon on 9/2 comes with a Mars/Neptune square. Dream and envision the future, even as you take the time to allow for some truths to come forward before snapping to a judgement about something.

Venus conjoins the South Node on 9/3 and Mars enters Cancer 9/4.

There is a drive to protect and nurture past relationships and loved ones. On 9/8 Mercury moves to Virgo and is strong in its own sign.

9/14 Venus trines Jupiter!  We have made it this far and things seem extremely hopeful-even as our Moon is eclipsed on the 17th in Pisces, bringing a catalyst or revelation to our lives. If you have planets or angles of your Chart in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces this eclipse ushers in an 18-month period of change.

 Look with clear eyes about you. Veils may be lifted.

Demure Woma in Straw Hat by J Knowles Hare


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