This Full Moon is also a partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, as well as the culmination of the next series of eclipses in the Scorpio/Taurus axis, which will be present through 2023 and bring changes to both our personal and collective resources snd values.
The lunation now combines the Sun in martial Scorpio, opposing the Moon in Venus ruled Taurus, both in a “square”(friction) relationship to Jupiter. Mars and Venus have both recently connected to Uranus in Taurus in quite different ways too, highlighting the contentious nature of current ways we are relating and getting our needs met.
Jupiter in Aquarius wants everyone to get along and see the big picture- we ARE all in this together, ( My Mom used to say “ We are all bozos on the bus”) but we have some opposing factors to consider. Our insecurities, our feeble attempts to control life’s myriad expression, our need for personal significance, or to be “right”, these factors and more may be considered and re-considered now, in light of Jupiters guidance that we can grow/evolve by considering the bigger picture.
“ I can, of my own self do nothing.

” We are never fully alone, but always interconnected and interdependent. Taking the high road and caring for others or alternately- our own needs is indicated too . What do you truly value, the Moon in Taurus asks?
Eclipses always indicate a re-set, a re-boot, a glitch that allows us to leave behind the old and start fresh. Let yourself shed where this event falls in your chart. Release anxiety, angst or insecurity. Release fear and old ways and modes of relating to others and yourself. Control of the emotions is also at issue here, try not to collapse yourself into the highs or lows. Observe any pain or fear, know you will progress, that is your protection.
Venus rules this lunation and she is in her pre-retrograde shadow. In Capricorn, she asks us to be mindful of what we love or value, to be mature and reasonable in our requests for more, to again, take the high road. Pluto in Capricorn also lends support by trine, beaming the gift of truest power to those who have worked hard, refining their thoughts, deeds and actions to align with the highest good. Say to yourself “ As I cultivate my own nature, all else follows”.
Working on ourselves always is rewarded. Look for the results of self worth to emerge in the weeks to come.
Art- Moon Girl by Craig Morrison