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New Moon in Cancer July 20th 10:32 am PDT Sabian Symbol “ A Woman Reading Tea Leaves”

Writer's picture: michelle prentissmichelle prentiss

Happy New Moon! This is the second New Moon in Cancer in a series bookending the season, but the good news is It’s NOT an eclipse!! A New Moon is always optimal for setting intentions, getting out of a rut and planting seeds for the future. The Moon, from our earthly view- is growing in strength and appearance. This brings us the energetic imprint of a new lunar cycle.

We have a bit of a showdown in our Lunations Chart, with bunches of energy in Aries, Capricorn and Cancer. There is a loose T -square aspect with Saturn opposing our Sun and Moon and then squaring Eris, the Asteroid Goddess of Discord in Aries. Mars in Aries conjuncts Chiron Retrograde then squares Mercury.

It’s likely we may feel a little wounded and possibly angry- it’s true we have been hurt, but it is important to not act out ( Mars) aggressively. Look to Mars's complementary opposition to Juno in Libra the goddess of contracts and partnerships for help.

Peace and Love, mediating with both sides in any situation will be helpful.

Take note that Moon may be “restrained” by an exact opposition with Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas Athene and Saturn in Capricorn- all in retrograde position which can “relax” their powers a bit, providing a pause in a time of difficulty. The past is highlighted with all these bodies Retrograde in Capricorn. The focus is on the need to leave old paradigms behind as we re-birth areas of life deeply ancestral or cultural. We are continuing the process of looking behind us collectively, into the past for revision, for review in order to repair and re-envision of our future. Look also to an opportunity to connect with messages or divined information just before and during the New Moon. For some, this may be their “will within” the higher self or inner guide. Regardless, this is an optimal Moon for any divination work, so get out your tools and give or receive a reading now.

It’s also essential to keep developing inner security, to settle in for a time to your home base wherever you are). Within your psyche and will is strength. A prevailing trust in the process of change is important, we are holding space for a great re- birth and must do the work of societal mid-wifery with intention: knowing our power, we contribute to the world everything that is us; our behavior and consciousness, all our actions and re-action our intention, our vision and dreams.

We are what we have been waiting for- let us contribute to the upcoming great cultural mutation by allowing what needs to go, while holding our vision and hope for the future like a great torch always in our minds.

Blessing, Strength and Support, Michelle

Here are some affirmations and Wishes for your New Moon rituals by Zodiac Sign. For a Deeper perspective please, read your Sun AND Ascendant.

Aries: Write down wishes or seek divination along the line of building a new home for yourself, deeper self-esteem and letting go of ancestral or familial issues. Allow old paradigms to die, become your own authority. New Moon Affirmation- I am creating/birthing a better foundation for myself. I am safe and secure wherever I go.

Taurus: Write down wishes, cast oracles for improved communication with everyone- especially loved ones. You’re never too old to learn something new! Letting go of old belief systems is essential for your upcoming re-birth. New Moon Affirmation: I am re-birthing how I think. I am open to learning and expanding my possibilities and potential.

Gemini: Seek your fortune! Write down wishes for more resources and support to create the massive changes that are definitely coming to your life in the next 18 month. Money and assets are highlighted. It is ok to let go of attachments to things in order to fund or fuel your future. New Moon Affirmation: I create security for myself within. I allow my resources to flow to support my goals.

Cancer: Oracles speak to a New YOU. This is the last new Moon in Cancer for 2020. Whatever you want, expanded future prospects, better communication, deepened security. This is an opportunity for ALL your prayers and wishes to grow. New Moon Affirmation: My outer life follows, my inner. I envision my future as I allow the past to flow away.

Leo: Here is an opportunity for Leo to focus on mental and subconscious health. Write down wishes to become more fully aware of how your inner life, mind and more contributes to the experience of life. Get a reading to find what is blocking you from achieving your hearts desire. New Moon Affirmation: I am connecting to my inner self, and guiding my unconscious beliefs into conscious, healthy ones.

Virgo: You need community! The New Moon highlights your opportunity to connect to others. In the next year your life is going to change. You are going to let go of the old, and re-birth a new direction. Write wishes for your hopes, dreams and help in your new goals, ask your cards for help! New Moon Affirmation: I am open to receiving support, assistance and friendship from groups and communities around me.

Libra: Full Moon highlights your career, direction and reputation! It’s a good time to dream up a way to be seen more fully for your contributions, to grow in stature and status. Write wishes or seek divination for a way to contribute more- or be celebrated for what you do. New Moon Affirmation: I am open to standing in my power and being acknowledged for it!

Scorpio: Like your “other half” Taurus, you are opening to new ways of learning, expanding your ability to communicate, or to teach and be teachable. Write wishes along the theme of what you want to learn about or know more. Give yourself a Tarot Reading. Guidance will appear in mysterious ways New Moon Affirmation: My mind is open to receiving new information, truths and philosophies.

Sagittarius: Resources are a huge thing, those that you share and make yourself. Things here may be changing. It’s TOTALLY ok for you to receive now, believe it!! Write down wishes for loans, bonuses or other means of support to achieve goals. Create an altar or do manifestation magick. You can grow in this area and you deserve it! New Moon Affirmation: I am opening myself to receive as much support as possible!!!!

Capricorn: Focus is of course on partners. A new day dawns. As you have been beaten down by the meat grinder of Saturn/ Pluto over the last years… can you trust again or ever? Write down wishes for what you want from a partnership. Ask your higher self, or a trusted reader for help. This energy can grow into something beautiful. New Moon Affirmation: I trust that I can easily give and receive in an equal and secure and trusting partnership.

Aquarius: OMG.OMG. I can’t WAIT to see what the next couple years brings you. DAMN, it’s gonna be good. For now just continue to work on doing everyday things that make you happy, healthy and – somewhat content. Write down wishes for new starts in health and wellness regimes. Connect with an energy healer or work on meditation or affirmations! New Moon Affirmation: My daily rituals support for mind, body and spirit wellness!

Pisces: Love, creativity, hope and fun. These are things to cultivate in this new Moon. Do not forget to make some time for diving into what makes you happy now. Write down wishes for more joy, for inspiration for creative ideas, get a Tarot or Angel reading soon! New Moon Affirmation: I am re-birthing my ability to make myself inspired, joyous and ever creative "

High Priestess" by She Who Is For personal readings or to learn more see the link in my bio

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