Sabian Symbol “ A fire worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence”
Keynote- The subjective quest for ultimate’s ...beyond life and death.
In the stillness of this new Moon, the first of the season and New Year, we may discover a spark of light, a kindling of inspiration that takes us beyond some of the ways we may have been held back from achieving our goals, or in having the energy or drive to move forward with our plans. This is not yet the moment for action but is instead the beginning of an idea – for a fresh start, or new direction, a way through the difficulties and obstacles we’ve encountered.
As the first new Moon of a quantity of time we have organized and called a “Year,”this is an initiatory energy of a new order. Karl Jung wrote “ All reality is psychic reality” and psychic reality (our consciousness or awareness) offers experiences of the qualities of time present in each moment, which are also reflected in the planetary movements and Sun and Moon’s Cycles.
To that idea, we find ourselves paying attention to the energies surrounding us now, to the now waning Saturn/Uranus square, still the big picture of what we are all enduring. The patience and inner strength we must cultivate, even as we all are chomping at the bit to break free from our trials and tribulations. The oppression we endure- of fear and control in combatting serious threats to our personal and collective safety. So much we all have now in our experience that wasn’t there before, the tough reality of what we are “paying” for, regardless of any contribution.
Now, we see a New Moon in responsible and hardworking Capricorn, one that is tuned to the frequency of Saturn’s constriction, of time and work, and the achievement that comes, sometimes even from just getting through hard times. Venus, our planet of pleasure and beauty, is in Capricorn now too, emphasizing the value of effort. In her once every 18-month cycle of Retrograde, we must turn to what is indestructible within. Pluto conjoins Venus, reminding us of our mortality and the cycle of endings, the forces of regeneration always possible through facing underworld journeys. Chiron, recently direct is square the lunation. Try not to “fight” or go on the offensive, healing comes from acceptance AND taking actions that keep us courageously moving forward to find new ways to improve our mind, body, and spiritual health. Use the element of fire now- to inspire and purify.
This New Moon gets support from Uranus in Taurus- the trine aspect lends a startling or even innovative idea into the mix. Saturn our new Moon’s ruler or dispositor, though still fighting with Uranus sextiles Mars, suggesting again that positive action is productive and semi- sextiles Sun and Moon, directing us to give attention to contrasting energies, in order to make the best of our goals and plans for 2022.
Jupiter sits now, at 0 degrees Pisces, getting ready to move fast through the last sign of the Zodiac and conjoin Neptune in April. Prepare for Miracles, but in between, as the Zen parable instructs “chop wood and carry water”
This New Moon find where 12 degrees of Capricorn falls in your chart and write down goals or wishes aligned with the house or planets involved!
You will progress here over this month and year.
New Moon Blessings!
Photo by Charles Freger
