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New Moon in Pisces March 13th 2:21 am PST

Writer's picture: michelle prentissmichelle prentiss

Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the Ouroboros, life everlasting. Pisces, the final sign and possible synthesis of the Zodiac. Ruled jointly by Jupiter’s expansive, optimistic and faithful energy and Neptune’s oceanic realm of fantasy and spiritual redemption, Pisces symbol is also two fish, swimming in opposite directions.

As the last water sign of Mutable or adapting mode, Pisces teaches the mysteries of metamorphism. There is something definitively otherworldly about the energy of Pisces, It seems to operate in amorphous and flowing ways, unconsciously, or very naturally utilizing intuition and inspired creativity. This is the dimension of archetype and symbol, of mystics and seers, and it’s Tarot association is The Moon, the card that reveals what the High Priestess senses or intuits. Fittingly, many of the world’s greatest intuitive geniuses and imaginative artists and musicians have Pisces prominent in their Astrology. These creatives seem to have one foot (Pisces does rule the feet in Medical Astrology!) in multiple dimensions.

This new Moon is quite special, coming with Venus and Neptune alongside. In esoteric Astrology, as Uranus is the transcendent mind, Neptune is the transcendent heart, the “higher octave of Venus” or heart of divinity. What is called in Christian Astrology, Christ consciousness. It indwells in each of us, as well as in the collective, as all the archetypes do, pointing the way to Love as the ultimate expression of “God”. Neptune and Pisces as metamorphosis also embodies sacrifice, and a strong dose of it in a chart can bring the ability and desire for closeness to spiritual awareness and oneness, as well as the lack of strong ego borders and ambitions, and a tendency to “drift and dream”.

Many Astrologers have written extensively on Neptune’s energetic impulse. Citing the archetypal present in the planet for “Oceanic peak experiences, longing for transcendence, redemption and the innate human desire for connections without barrier or borders”. Most humans recognize their innate need for true connectivity with an other a cosmic reflection, a twin flame, a god, or source energy. Most of us look to fulfill this urge to merge in all kinds of love, in fantasy, in spiritual experiences through prayer or grace, even through the dissolution of ego that comes with expansion of consciousness found in psychedelic or other mind or body altering drugs.

It seems to be inherent in our personal and collective human experience that we all long for dissolution, even as we nurture our own personal egoic individuation throughout life. Pisces and Neptune are both tied to the yearning to be swallowed up in the whole. In esoteric Astrology, as Uranus is the transcendent mind, Neptune is the transcendent heart, the “higher octave of Venus” or heart of divinity. What is called in Christian Astrology, Christ consciousness. It indwells in each of us, as well as in the collective, as all the archetypes do, pointing the way to Love as the ultimate expression of “God”. Neptune and Pisces as metamorphosis, also embodies sacrifice, and a strong dose of it in a chart can bring the ability and desire for closeness to spiritual awareness and oneness, as well as the lack of strong ego borders and ambitions, and a tendency to drift and dream.

This lunation’s co-dispositor Jupiter is also at play in the collective energy and close to Mercury. Hope for our future is promising. We are soon moving into a new Astrological year and after all that we have been through, some faith and hope, enchantment and grace is necessary. Spend time this new Moon in contemplation, prayer, intention setting, divining or scrying, dream interpretation and journal your experience.

The Sabian symbol for this degree “ An uninhabited island” suggests the opportunity to create a paradise for ourselves. Magick abounds here, and know that no matter what you can create fulfillment and even joy in your life, regardless what you have been through, or overcome.



*artist unknown



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