“As we search for some kind of coherent explanation for a world in turmoil, everyone’s favorite mythologies are smashing, crashing, and blending into each other. It’s getting near impossible to separate signal from noise.”
Jamie Wheal
Moon in the Zodiacal sign of Taurus is described as stable, grounded, and sensual.
This is Earth in its first phase, representing the general foundation of the element, the beauty and fertility of nature in it’s flowering.
Traditional Astrology assigns the planet Venus to the sign. However, in Esoteric Astrology as intuited by Alice Bailey in the first part of the 20th century, Taurus is associated with the hypothetical planet Vulcan rather than Venus, and is connected with the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict. This points to the need to harmonize and transform inner and outer conflicts into beauty and balance.
Vulcan, as the god of Volcanoes, Fire, and the forge (also called Hephaestus). was the spouse of Venus/Aphrodite. He created many beautiful objects for the gods, including the famous girdle of Venus. Additionally, Vulcan created Pandora, the first human woman; in whose myth unleashed all the torments of humanity, but which also included hope.
Taurus represents the struggle for enlightenment, the need to overcome material attachments on the quest for inner wisdom.
This week’s Full Moon in Taurus is conjoined with Uranus- adding a “lighting strike” energy of revelation and shock to the quality of the time. Events you thought somewhat stable are rocked, things come up, accidents happen or extreme reactions.
Planetary Neptune, Pluto and Ceres make helpful aspects though, perhaps illustrating that the only way to handle things is to go through them- even when it involves a dark, difficult descent into an underworld. Neptune’s gift is the ability to swim or float one’s way through the reality of change and shock.
Pluto and Ceres mythology was the foundation of the ancient Greeks Eleusinian Mysteries, a secret initiatory religious rite that included a symbolic descent, search, and ascent. The function of which was to teach people of the process of death and re-birth inherent in Life. Endings are also new beginnings.
Moon’s dispositor Venus in Capricorn squares the Nodes. There are frustrations in the deep feminine, in the process of relating, which cannot be easily overcome now. We must take a practical and strategic approach.
The Fixed Stars when in relation to any major planetary aspect in our solar system can also give us clues. Eclipsing Binary star Algol “The eye of the demon” is conjunct the Full Moon too, and the mythology of the Medusa, a former oracular goddess turned into a monster is fitting for a world in turmoil. Medusa and the gorgons in mythology became powerful symbols of destruction and transformation. The snakes of Medusa’s head could turn people to stone while also warding off evil, while the blood of her decapitated head birthed new life.
This Moon is not easy- if you have planets or points in the last 10 degrees of the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius you may be struck by change now.
Know that this time is significant, change is upon us. In the cave-like underworld we cannot see ahead, but our only way forward is to struggle through the fear knowing hope is always present.
Stay connected to your connection with the divine. May the gods be with us.
Art at @iamsassa
