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Weekly Horoscopes 11/12-18

Weekly Horoscopes for 11/12-11/18

In another intense week, Venus turns direct in Libra (Friday) just before Mercury Retrogrades in Sagittarius (till 12/6). As the planet of communication and the mind appears to stop forward motion, it squares mystical Neptune. This connection accents the need to separate illusion from “facts”. Take the time to see how we each create and project a subjective view of any of our experiences. Neptune highlights our ideals and dreams too, especially as it also rules Mars in Pisces on the 15th. We can do some inner work around reviewing recent Venus retrograde experiences of intimacy/sexuality, power/powerlessness, relationships etc., and potentially discover our own strength and other personal revelations. See Below for your Weekly Astro Advice. Read your Sun and Rising Sign for a multi-dimensional view of the energies surrounding us this week!

Aries: Mercury asks for a review of recent issues around dependence, potential themes of intimacy and where to possibly go next in your ongoing personal journey. Research how you can travel or learn new skills in the next few months. If things come up around Legal themes, this is the time to review- try not to move forward till 12/7. Venus direct in your partnership areas gives you attracting energy. You may have some inner frustrations with Mars deep in your place of subconscious, awareness is key to managing this- try and get out frustrations with different nonlinear experiences.. Mercury Retrograde Hints: Do not be afraid to review your need to receive as well as produce the resources you need to live. You like to be independent, but it’s time to consider the benefits of some dependence. Open here.

Taurus: Like Aries, themes of dependence are pinpointed. Mercury asks you to dig deep into the depths of your fertile underground checking out and reviewing how to both receive AND give, practice this flexibility. This is the perfect time to really get clear on what you really want to share with intimates. With your ruler Venus moving into your partnership area in December- you are bringing serious attracting energy to the relating game. Mars in Pisces highlights connecting to your tribe or community, give them love now! Mercury Retrograde Hints: The more intimate you can get the better. Allow yourself to receive support for your courage, open up and also review what secrets you want to share, and what to keep.

Gemini Mercury does its often-backward dance, so try and relax (another retrograde activity) this week. Partners are again highlighted. It is ok to just observe and not take action or give your opinion regarding others for a bit. As Mercury is your ruler, it’s movement is very important- take some time to just review and rest and relax. This will be help to clarify all the messages you have been getting. Try and hold back until the first of December, this will make for a more relaxing Holiday at the end of the month. Mercury Retrograde Hints: Take a second look at how you are interacting with partners. Are you listening as well as talking? Review what things you appreciate about your closest allies. Research ways of making your relationships even better.

Cancer: Your health and daily habits are up for review this week and next. How are you doing? Are you resting enough? Relaxing enough? This is ALSO key for perfect health along with whole foods and exercise. Venus makes things magical this week in your foundation. Home, family, deep self esteem are also to be appreciated now. Mars brings dynamic energy to travel, bringing a cosmic glow or possibly déjà vu to your trips. Watch out for feeling victimized though- you are always in control of your reactions and actions but not others behaviors- that’s for them to carry, not you! Mercury Retrograde Hints: This week write down your favorite ways to relax, rest and re-wind. Then, see if you can incorporate this into your next couple weeks. Sleep in, get a massage, get out of town etc.

Leo: Time for you to review the level of your creative projects and their role in your personal happiness. You are always willing to create new and exciting experiences for yourself and others- but are they delighting or draining you? Same goes with your loved ones- delighting or draining? You can get insight in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, forward motion on how you do or don’t communicate with others- appreciate what you are getting support wise and you will win. Mercury Retrograde Hints: Time to review what you do for fun and joy. What delights you. All work and no play make Leo a VERY dull Lion. Life may be hard, but you don’t have to be.

Virgo Mars moves into your partnership sector highlighting how you cooperate with others and how you actually need them- despite your belief to the contrary. Mercury does a backward dance in your foundational place – this is “where you come from” so it can be family relationships or even the place you go to every night after work. What works here? What doesn’t? You can make some cool, positive changes in the next months. Meanwhile Venus goes direct finally in your place of personal resources like money….. do a money ritual next week! Mercury Retrograde Hints: Time to review your well-spring. Family relationships can be improved or even home related issues- but not without some research. Take the time.

Libra Venusian ruled Libra lives to relate to others. With Venus in forward motion after 40 long days retrograde , you finally get the break you have been waiting for. You lighten up and become a magnet- soon money and other resources come too. Your communication and thinking are up for review now. Take some time to see how you relate to others. Are you always kind? Are you kind to yourself too? You can makes great strides in planting seeds of positivity after so much digging in the dirt. Mercury Retrograde Hints: Write down some affirmations this week and say them habitually for the next 3 weeks. May I suggest: “I am balanced and harmonious, all is well”

Scorpio Hey Scorpio- it’s been a time hasn’t it? I promise for a lightening up soon though. Meanwhile you can review the things you value in the next coming weeks. Highlight the small and large things: your dog, your job etc. Venus moves from lighting up your subconscious, showing you how you sometimes self-sabotage. Soon you will see how you can magnetize the things that you want to you. Mars drives you to create, to have more fun, to appreciate your lovers, children and to find some joy in life- regardless of circumstance. Mercury Retrograde Hints: Review your finances and other personal resources. Research new ways of making money or investing. Think about what YOU truly value vs what others may. This is YOUR journey. Make it count for you.

Sagittarius So, now that Jupiter is in your sign- are you looking around and asking where EVERYTHING you want is hiding? What Jupiter really does is bring opportunity to expand. Success= preparation meeting opportunity, so get prepared! Do some research on expanding every aspect of your life that calls for it. There is energy for you to make fundamental changes now. Do not shirk the work of preparation - you are naturally optimistic and tend to inflate possibilities so just make your new endeavors have the “meat” of your total commitment behind them. Be sincere and authentic and you will win! Mercury Retrograde Hints: Review your plans. Review your offerings. Review your appearance in the next couple weeks. Just take the time to double check how you are stepping out into the world. Is it authentic? Sustainable? If so launch yourself after 12/6.

Capricorn: Energy abounds in your place of communication and learning, in a linear grounded and earthy way, as well as a non-linear cosmic way. Time for a little dive into your subconscious the next couple weeks. It’s not really time for Caps to make serious changes yet- more time for dreaming and visualizing. Get a journal and write down your dreams this week. Include goals and feelings. You are fertilizing the ground for a new life. This is important work! Mercury Retrograde Hints: If you can, get a journal or notebook and try and write daily on the following prompts: I Feel__I Need__ I Want ___.

Aquarius: Energy comes from your place of work, you can make more money or expand the resources you are attracting now. You need to review your hopes and dreams now. It’s also important to look at your friends, community and how you interact. Is it reciprocal, that is are you getting what you give here? Soon you will get a big bump in attracting energy- all eyes on you and an opportunity to upgrade your status. This week set your sights on a goal to achieve when Mercury turns direct 12/6. Mercury Retrograde Hints: What do you truly believe in? How can you make difference? How does your presence affect your world or community? Take some time to review these questions and see where you want to expand your reach.

Pisces Mars energizes you..making you feel a little more focused and capable. It’s been awhile since you have felt like you could easily achieve goals, as Neptune has been dissolving ego for years... There’s a method in the madness of the Universe however and you will see it soon enough. For now, review your career prospects, goals and where you “want to go”. You actually can have it all- but all in good time. Appreciate the support you get, thank your partners and patrons – soon Venus will light up your place of expansion, this week give thanks for all you have. Mercury Retrograde Hints: What do you want from life? Listen to the Song by the Tubes, take some time to ponder, dream and write and research this. It’s time to get real about your goals and what you truly want to achieve. Write them down and stretch yourself now. #weeklyhoroscopes #astrology #horoscopes

Photo by @nevarmur

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