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Weekly Horoscopes for 10/29/18

Writer's picture: michelle prentissmichelle prentiss

Weekly Horoscope for October 29, 2018

In addition to some beautiful and healing flow energy with Moon, Chiron Venus (now in Libra) and Neptune, this week holds Halloween, All Souls Day/Día De Los Muertos, and a fiery Last Quarter Moon. Dana Gerhart says of this lunation “Whatever occurs at the Quarter Moons, we're invited to see it as two forces in conflict. Something wants to move; something else resists. This tension seeks its release in change, involving struggle, or assertive and decisive action. Forces in square don't work together easily. One blocks or thwarts the other; the other must reorient its direction to get what it wants. Squares bring stress-and a potent thrust of energy that makes necessary changes possible.

Mercury also moves this week from Scorpio to Sagittarius. The style of Sagittarius is very different than Scorpio. As expansive as Sag can be, there can also be a focus on subjective opinions being “Truth” and “Knowing it all”.

As you navigate your way through this sensitive Scorpio Season, try and expand your way of thinking and experiencing life this week- it’s essential to finding balance in a contentious world!

Aries: Focus for you this week is expanding your world view through travel, higher learning or spirituality. You will need to solve a possible crisis with partners, lovers and creativity- and the key is acceptance of change as a necessary force of evolution in life. Try and stay centered if anything comes up this week and see how you can balance your needs with others. Give your loved ones your attention – there is a message for you.

Weekly Mantra: I am open to expanding my perspective on life

Taurus: Last Quarter Moon in Leo squares all that Scorpio in the place of one on one partners. You may find you need to address issues in regard to your ongoing living situation and how you can accept help graciously from those you love. It’s time to expand your perspective on dependence – for someone so security minded- that hard! However, the theme for Taurus is revolutionary change- and it WILL BE GOOD. So, give thanks for your gifts where and when appropriate.

Weekly Mantra: I am open to receiving resources and assistance from outside my own power

Gemini: It’s a week of excitement in regards to your partner- there are big things afoot there that can help you both. It’s time to see how you can expand your perspective on relating to include hope for the future in a big way. Meanwhile the focus is till on your health and wellness and how you can go inward to find the root causes of what may bring you low energy or ill health. Much of it is as a result of your nervous systems reaction to change. Take a some time to look into meditations and affirmations to bring you more joy and vitality!

Weekly Mantra: I am open to relating to others with joy and optimism.

Cancer: There may be a crisis at work that needs your attention this week and that’s ok. You have the ability to handle it graciously. You are continuing to transform how you relate to others- for the better. The key is expanding how you respond habitually- you may want to take a look and adjust. There is a new perspective on how adjusted behavioral or responsive controls can bring you health, wealth and happiness!

Weekly Mantra: I am open to transforming my daily habits to include new ways of relating to others

Leo: This week you are getting a jolt of energy to make some much needed changes in your life. You have had quite a year with all the eclipses- dealing with endings and possibly new beginnings too! You are finding some new perspective now in your creative projects as well some possible romantic opportunities. Build your new life by realizing it’s your self-worth issues that sometimes thwart getting your needs met. Self-esteem, self-love have one thing in common. They can only be given to you by your self.

Weekly Mantra: I am open to cultivating my own joy.

Virgo: Like Leo, I see a need for creating a firm foundation of self-worth as a necessary component of balancing upcoming change. You are in the process of doing some soul searching in order to find what and who is next for you. Venus is now in your place of created resources- that is, you MAY find you are attracting the money you need to further some self-expression this week and the next. Keep the faith and keep strong for your partners as you balance all the items on your check list!

Weekly Mantra: I am open to building a firm foundation of self-love and self-esteem.

Libra: Venus is retrograding back in to Libra this week ensuring you have the opportunity to work on completing any attracting and relating needs. You do have the power to magnetize to you that which you desire, as well as more deeply understand what that actaully is now. Taking the time to communicate clearly and appropriately is key. Your values and needs may be transforming and that’s ok- go with it and you will get what you want.

Weekly Mantra: I am open to examining and communicating my evolving and expanding ideas.

Scorpio: Happy Re-Birthday Scorpios! So much going on- Like Leo, there may be a small crisis needing your attention this week, or some creative friction regarding a difference of opinion or need. You are seeing how you can expand your personal values to include new perspectives in relating and worth. What you want matters- take time to this week to dig into your deepest needs and get super straight. In the next couple weeks, you will have the magnetizing power to attract this into your life.

Weekly Mantra: I am open to transforming or evolving what is truly important and valuable to me.

Sagittarius: It’s coming, you feel it- the rebirth, the expansion, the brass ring… this week Mercury is coming into your sign followed by Jupiter and the Sun in the next month. Everything you plant in the next few weeks can grow into lasting creations in the next year- so take the time this week to get clear on processing and releasing the past. You deserve it!!!!

Weekly Mantra: I am open to a complete Re-Birth of self

Capricorn: Blessings have been coming from your friends and community and you may also get some extra attracting energy from your career this week too! But the big new is on the upcoming move of Mercury, Jupiter and Sun into Sagittarius. This will allow you the light bulb moments necessary for you to see where you want to go next. There has been personal destruction and now is the time to design the new “house” you want to build- get cracking

Weekly Mantra: I open to imagining and dreaming my future

Aquarius: Big change is in the works! First, address any issues you may have with relating. Get really connected to how you detach in order to survive. You DON’T have to do this. Open yourself to asking for assistance within your community of friends. Everything about your life that you are not happy with can be transformed- and you are ready!

Weekly Mantra- I am open to seeking or giving help within my community

Pisces: You are getting assistance, in your ongoing process of becoming.

There may be changes coming to your direction or career that seem almost heaven sent. You deserve this after so much falling away! Get ready for a TON of magic and this starts this week Believe in your ability to transform your life from the inside out.

Weekly Mantra: I am open to receiving recognition for all that I am.

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