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New Moon in Sagittarius Wednesday 11/23/22 2:57pm pst

“The Spirit of Hope”


KEYNOTE: The mobilization of unconscious energies under the pressure of super-personal motives.

Wind and sea are in constant interplay, and the results of that interplay are inspiring and beautiful. In symbolism, the wind (pneuma is the early Greek word for "spirit") is associated with spiritual dynamism; the stirring of deep energies this dynamism produces obeys cosmic or super-personal rhythms, the power of which is irresistible.* Rudyar’s “An Astrological Mandala”

We begin the Sagittarius “season” as we last did in Scorpio; with a powerful New Moon.

Unlike our last new lunation, which was a South Node eclipse emphasizing the ending of things or release; this one is unafflicted- with no traditionally difficult aspects, and contains the support of Mercury, Venus, Sun, and Moon all working together in the sign of fiery Sagittarius.

The event, coming on the Wednesday before the American Thanksgiving Holiday is a reflection of the turning of the “quality” of our energetic weather from power struggles, shadow workings and deep reflection to beginnings, beckoning horizons, and an emergence of a new dawn.

As the planets that are currently in Sagittarius have their essential energetic force in the arenas of communication, pleasure seeking, wholeness, and emotional satisfaction, we should all feel the turn from Scorpio’s watery focus on depths of intensity, to expansive and optimistic Sagittarius. There is a sense of silver linings, the energy is released for taking new leaps in consciousness, fuel for the next leg of our collective journey.

Jupiter, the ruling planet of the Sagittarius and dispositor of the Moon, turns to direct motion today at 28 Pisces, trining the lunation, while Pluto also provides an out of sign sextile, both major aspects suggest collaboration and support.

Every New Moon is a new opportunity to focus and feel into a new expression. That expression is shared of course, but you can get clues as to how it may manifest for you personally by looking at where Sagittarius falls in your Natal Chart Wheel. In addition, if you have personal planets in the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, as well the Fire Signs of Aries and Leo, this lunation may bring you a sense of confidence or just the fuel to move onwards and upwords!

Make your wishes for expansion, justice, growth, hope and an overall “good time” this week. There is powerful magick here. You/We deserve it.

"Sagittarius" by Brittany Everette

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