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Writer's picturemichelle prentiss

Full Moon in Aquarius- August 22nd, 2021, 5:01 am PDT


Our second Full Moon in Aquarius this year is at 29 degrees, which is the final and critical degree of a sign, emphasizing the major themes of its expression.

Readers may remember that our Solar year began at the Winter Solstice, with Jupiter and Saturn exactly conjoined in Aquarius, an event that “introduced” major Aquarian energy to the collective.

Freedom, Invention, Rationale, Fairness, Inclusivity, Community, Logic, Independence, Uniqueness. #weareallinthistogether as a rallying cry even in our detached and socially distant global experience, could not have been more descriptive of the energy of Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, and Jupiter both placed in the sign.

This Full Moon in a critical degree combined with a conjunction with Jupiter, make for an even more fully emphasized version of the lunation. Full Moons always reflect “critical” themes of ripening, of events “popping” in the cyclical nature of life. With Jupiter here, it’s also a time of Justice and “just desserts.” Look to your personal goals being realized, or even realizations coming up from the unconscious self.

Saturn as the co-dispositor of Moon, is still locked in a year long struggle with Uranus- the modern ruler of Aquarius. Old vs new; ideas, science, organizing factors, business practices, values, the list goes on. If Saturn and Uranus both can co- rule Aquarius, maybe we can find now, a way to harmonize the major polarity we are experiencing worldwide.

Personal and collective crises, push us, like newborn babies, out of the safety of the known- into a brave new world. Uranus in Taurus reflects the transformation of our values and resources. Tied harmoniously to Mercury and Mars, we are lent the energy and information we need to accomplish great things, even as we are tossed into the chaos of rev/evolution.

Sun in Leo opposed to Moon in Aquarius emphasizes the subjective vs objective, the individual vs collective. Now, the collective wins. We are all part of the “Uni-Verse” which means in Latin, “all together, turning.”

Remember you are really, not alone, but a part of billions of life forms all connected.

There seems to be a larger picture here. The “miracle” of our cosmos, as it moves and reflects our experiences and events on earth points to some form of intelligent design amid the perceived chaos!

For now, set your intention and employ all of you, your thoughts, your will and actions into manifesting your most authentic truths, grounded in the awareness of collective being.

You are a part of the body of the world, to heal the world, work on healing yourself. Be your own truth. Then, walk your truth into being, and come out of your chrysalis into an embodied version of your values.

Give yourself the power to invent your future and invite the world along as well. Dream Big and take action on your dreams now and through this year. Watch what will unfold. Have faith in your power.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”

Margaret Mead

“When joyously led, the people forget their burdens; in wresting joyously with difficulties, they even forget they must die. Joy’s greatest quality is the encouragement it affords the people”

I Ching, Blofeld edition.

“Aquarius” by Art on an Island

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