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Writer's picturemichelle prentiss

New Moon in Leo July 28th, 2022 10:54 am PDT

Hope is salve for the mind and Faith is the intrinsic ‘knowing’ that there is meaning and purpose in life. Remember, if you open yourself deeply to the visible and invisible, you witness the Universe unfolding in patterns containing wisdom and intent”

We are all always in a process- (everything in Astrology is a process) that involves struggle, endings and new beginnings over time, and over the next several weeks, the quality of our time will contain a lot of key elements of this alchemical process- brought front and center.

First, our July 28th New Moon in Fire sign Leo is emphasizing expansive heat- as trines Jupiter in martial Aries, it’s also part of a sky dominated by lots of friction- demonstrated by our Nodal Axis (the Solar/Lunar eclipses) in Taurus and Scorpio in a T square aspect that also contains Uranus, Mars and Saturn.

Mars, Uranus and North Node conjoined at 18 Taurus is not exact until July 31st, but it’s really close at this New Moon and has been definitely exhibiting pressure over the last week.

18 Taurus, as interpreted theoretically by Serbian Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic, is a degree of potential mishaps and illness, as well as cures for healing. This same degree is also where Uranus will station Retrograde on August 23rd and stay through October 13th.

This New Moon in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries can indicate scenarios that act as an illumination or light in a difficult time. Mercury has just also emerged from its conjunction with the Sun, further emphasizing ideas and tools for recovery, Ceres also stands close, indicating a need for bodily care via natural nutrition, nature and integrative wellness techniques and practitioners. We need to seek ways and means for better health- mentally, physically and spiritually.

In ancient days, the heart center was the “seat of the soul” and this new Moon in Leo which rules the physical and energetic heart in Medical Astrology also asks us to seek information on how to move forward by following our “heart.” To do this, discover what thoughts and actions make you feel happy, joyous, tolerantly righteous, passionate, willfully creative, bold, creative and powerful?

I want to remind you to feel in to any discomfort and darkness in your mind. Always seek out and find your truth within, in order to “individuate” yourself and your own unique path to vitality and wholeness. Remember that although we are all connected, we are also each unique in our creative expression and needs.

Find where Leo is in your Astrology, planets and the house that Leo rules in your Astrology is your “spotlight.” Make your New Moon wishes there and Shine like the Sun you are.



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