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Writer's picturemichelle prentiss

New Moon in Scorpio 11/7/18

New Moon in Scorpio November 7th, 2018 8:02 am PST

Sabian Symbol: A Girl’s Face Breaking into a Smile – “Faith”

November’s New Moon of 2018 comes on the heels of Election Day in the U.S, and is complex, surprising and powerfully regenerative. Strong feelings surround the lunation and the themes of faith, strength and the power and courage to move on in our lives, despite disappointments- are highlighted.

This Sun/Moon conjunction is in strong aspect to its planetary rulers Mars and Pluto- bringing a kind of stability to the unpredictable forces at work in the collective now, even in the face of the ongoing challenge of integrating and processing change.

Mars is also in a positive relationship to Venus Retrograde now in Libra, also supporting the energy of harmony.

Just prior to the lunation the revolutionary planet Uranus, (retrograde in Aries) squares the Nodal Axis of our Moon, moving now to Cancer/ Capricorn. Uranus is freedom loving- anything goes this week!

The wild card energy of friction that we feel however, does point to a resolution from the trine from Neptune, actively beaming into the collective imaginative ways of creating our future.

The idea of blending opposing factors and creating something new is the key image of this Moon. An awareness of controlling our wild selves in order to master our goals and objectives is also highlighted.

The development of a mature strength and faith in our ability to connect our wild and instinctual self with our civilized and cultured selves, to center our lives in love and trust- learning to re-imagine and re-birth our lives graciously, to blend and harmonize is essential now.

To do this we must be centered in what we appreciate in our lives, even as we wish for our ideals.

Here is a small New Moon Ritual To do for this Month, adapted from the


As we open to the possibility of what is coming into our lives, this is a good time to offer thanks for all that has come in the last cycle. You can offer thanks to the Universe, to the deities or guides you work with, to your spirit animals, or anyone you want to give a special thanks to during this powerful time.

You can leave out an offering of your choosing somewhere outside like a piece of bread, some flowers, a crystal and say a few words of thanks such as:

“I give thanks with open arms

For all that there has been

I open still for all that flows

And comes from the unseen.”


New Moon affirmations are potent phrases of intent which you can use to anchor your work during the New Moon. You can light a candle before you say them and then speak ones that resonate with you or you can create your own as you are called. Here are some for Wednesday’s New Moon.

“I am reborn with this New Moon”

“I embrace the new beginnings opening to me this New Moon”

“I am open to the unfolding path and synchronicity that flow into my world”

“I let go of what is no longer serving me and open to what is”

“I am open to receive”

“I am wholly rooted in my truth”

You may write or speak wishes and goals. This lunation has the power to birth strong new life for many of our creative seeds. Blessed Be!

If you need some guidance navigating this time- see my site for November Reading Specials!

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