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Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse June 5th 2020 12:12pm PDT – The Shadow on the Horizon

It’s so hard to give a straightforward astrological weather report now.

Pandora’s box has truly opened this year in 2020, with its attendant horrors released to the current collective, horrors which have of course always been with us and ones that we MUST find solutions for, new designs and structures to defeat injustice.

This full Moon, penumbral (partial) eclipse in Sagittarius, a sign of spirituality, beliefs and justice is unique, as it ushers in a triple punch eclipse season that divides a divisive year.

As we enter the vortex of eclipses (next is solar- June 21st, then lunar- July 4/5 more on these later), Venus stands out- a calling card for our collective discomfort and lack of joy. She entered her retrograde season out of bounds (wild), and now conjuncts the Sun in Gemini. Both are “warring” with Mars/Neptune in Pisces and the eclipsed Moon in Sagittarius.

Venus, our “relational” planet close to the Sun is at her most base, acting out of character and invisible- though rising now out of her darkness. Her connection with Mars is extreme, possibly violent and the Eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius though dim, also illustrates darker forms of social contact.

Gemini, Pisces, and Sagittarius are the three mutable signs of the Zodiac, favoring adaptability and change. However, Gemini and Pisces are both “double bodied” in archetypal expression, underscoring an energetic environment of differing opinions and view points, opportunities to hold space for more than one option in an environment of upcoming change, as evidenced by the multiple eclipses.

Jupiter as the dispositor of the Moon is also involved in a 3 bodied conjunction with Pluto this year in Capricorn- as Jupiter expands, it inflates Plutonic themes of underworld power, of abuse and suffering. Please remember an underworld or Pluto journey though frightening- is extremely potent, with an ability to rebirth all it touches.

I took a quick look at an event in our past that has connections to this time, April 29th, 1992.

On this date the Rodney King trial in Los Angeles came to its verdict, sparking unrest, riots and more throughout the United States. Saturn was also in Aquarius and Mars in Pisces as it is now. The nodes of the Moon were at 2 degrees Capricorn/Cancer (close to opposing our current nodal axis) and instead of our current Chiron/Eris placement in the martial sign of Aries, we had Venus/Mercury and Moon. Jupiter and Pluto were also both Retrograde. The past and present connected thematically.

As our current aspects combine to create a T square that releases into Mars in Pisces we are all expressing on a feeling level, and dealing with deep emotional issues as evidenced by Mercury in Cancer, soon to Retrograde.

What started in January with the Saturn/ Pluto conjunction continues to a new form this month and may culminate in mid-September through October. There are many retrograde planets, the work to be done may be under ground in our own personal and collective psyche. All inner work is favored before moving forward.

Right now it’s essential to cultivate faith, our personal truth and authenticity. Know what YOU believe in is the “expression” of Sagittarius, or simply what resonates with you.

However with North Node in Gemini, try to look at facts before you, not just emotion or intuition. Make connections and fertilize the ground for future action. Incorporate all within the mind, this is essential now.

Spiritual Responsibility is also called for- This means taking others experience into consideration when making choices, focusing on integrity and mindfulness as well as finding a positive objective to focus on.

It IS always darkest before the dawn and we must not forget this axiom as we struggle to find the symbols that allow us to muster up the energy and inspiration we need to continue our work… whether it is the work of beginning, staying or moving on, it is essential to do what we can to break free.

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